Alessandra Ashford
Whoppers sold at a local HEB for $1.24. Whoppers are not only delicious and timeless, but also relatively inexpensive compared to the price and quantity of other candies.
Halloween is right around the corner, and many people will go out trick or treating. But, with trick or treating comes candy. With candy comes opinions. Many debates and arguments occur, wherein a trick-or-treater converses with a fellow trick-or-treater about which candy is better or worse than the others, likely to satisfy a trade agreement. There are mentions of king-size chocolate bars, gummies, Nerds, Almond Joys, and many other mainstream goodies. But in most conversations, one candy is left out: Whoppers.
While many people don’t think Whoppers are the best candy, they are widely seen as a neutral candy that people don’t particularly enjoy, but would eat. But Whoppers do not have to be the best tasting candy to be the best candy. For example, if candy tasted extremely good but after one bite you were already sick of it, you wouldn’t continue to eat it. But what if a candy tasted decent and you never got sick of it? You have to consider the fact that you might be eating quite a bit of candy on Halloween, and that Whoppers may just be your saving grace when you need that piece of candy to end the night.
Whoppers are, by far, the most underrated candy. Whether they come in little baggies of one or two, or boxes of many, they are amazing. A relatively soft outer shell protecting a hard, malted interior juxtaposes the norm of a candy with a hard shell protecting a gooey center. This differentiation is what separates Whoppers from the rest. Getting sick of a Whopper’s unique texture and taste is a rare occurrence. Thus, every time one eats a Whopper, it’s a new experience. This is the crux of the Whopper’s greatness, they are simply timeless. Not in the sense that they give the consumer nostalgia, but that it never gets old. In a world of monotonous tasks, uniqueness is what makes moments memorable.
Imagine the only food you could eat was a form of candy. Many people would choose their favorite candies. Be it milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or sugary sweets, eating this over and over would get old extremely quickly. But if you chose Whoppers, every day would have an introduction, starting with the soft outer shell, then to a body, the transition from soft shell to hard interior, and a conclusion, ending with the crunchy malt filling.
Furthermore, on every Whopper box it says, “Be an Original”. This piece of evidence truly solidifies the uniqueness and originality of the candy. Whoppers are undoubtedly the best Halloween candy because they almost never get boring and are always a joy to eat.