Posing with bright smiles, speech and debate competitors stand proudly as they display their array of trophies won at the Hendrickson Debate Tournament. The tournament not only gave seasoned, returning debaters another chance to showcase their talent, but was also the first opportunity offered to sophomore novices to try out a varsity level competition.
Bright smiles lighting up across Hendrickson’s main cafeteria, Westwood Speech and Debate competitors stood proud as they displayed their array of trophies won from August 31st’s tournament.
At the home of the Hendrickson Hawks, Westwood’s speech and debate competitors flew above the rest of the competition. On Aug. 31, the team was able to win the tournament sweepstakes, gain new insights into the field, and make priceless memories at the Hendrickson Debate Tournament.
“I competed in Public Forum, a 2v2 event where we debate topics that change every month. It is a very fun event where we can make friends with not just our debate partners, but competitors across the local and national circuits,” Jeremy Yang ‘26 said. “Every tournament is a fun experience, and [the] Hendrickson [tournament] was especially so.”
As students milled about in a flurry of new meetings, in an environment filled with others with similar interests, they were able to enjoy the overall experience, which they later noted to be a priceless addition to their respective debate journeys.
“It was the first debate tournament this season for my partner Ian and I, and it was even better that we were able to quarterfinal one of the hardest local tournaments of the season,” Rheya Kurian ‘26 said. “We were [not only] able to drop by Chipotle before our final round, but were able to get better at working together as a debate partnership.”
What made the experience even greater for many seasoned competitors, was that they got to see a new wave of debaters in the making.
“The team was proudest of our novices, a sophomore team that was competing [for] their first time in a varsity tournament,” Yang said. “This was one of their first experiences in a new level of competition and the entire team helped them prep out the debates to get them to semifinals and score their first Texas Forensics Association (TFA) point!”
To qualify for the TFA, a state tournament in spring, competitors need 12 TFA points each to be eligible. While this is a daunting task for many programs across Austin, for Westwood Speech and Debate teacher Mr. Dominic Henderson, the team’s success at Hendrickson showcases that there is nothing to be feared.
“Hendrickson went well,” Henderson said. “We won sweepstakes (an award given to the school with the most combined competitive success), beating McNeil and Westlake combined. It’s a fantastic way to start off our first tournament of the season.”