How to De-stress After AP Exams


AP exams are officially over today, so here are a few tips on how to relax after testing.

  1. Take a Long Bath: Baths benefit the body and mind; they assist in revitalizing and rejuvenating your senses, and will result in a relaxed feeling that lasts the whole day.
    2. Watch Youtube Videos: Spending short amounts of time on cute and funny videos will allow you to alleviate some stress. Youtube doesn’t consume much time and can liven your day. Some video choices could be: Cute Corgis and Cute Baby Animals.
    3. Meditate: Different types of meditation can help relieve stress in different ways. Laughing meditation can add an interesting twist on how you can reduce stress.
    4. Exercise: Exercise has been proven to raise spirits and increase overall happiness. The release of endorphins that occurs is known to make you feel more calm, but also alert.
    5. Listen to music: Nothing is more stress-alleviating than throwing on your favorite tunes. It can help to make a playlist of your favorite songs to listen to in order to de-stress.
    6. Download Digipill: Digipill is an app that allows people to change their mind by using psychoacoustics to allow you to unlock your subconscious.
    7. Yoga: This specific type of exercise allows you mind and body to connect. The technique is to relax with controlled breathing and stretching. It can help increase your blood flow and lower blood pressure.
    8. Go Outdoors: There’s nothing more relieving than a breath of fresh air, in a metaphorical and a literal sense. Being outdoors boosts your mood, whether going on a brisk walk or hike, or just sitting outside and enjoying the sunlight.
    9. Laugh more: As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. Watch a funny TV show or movie, or just have a conversation with someone who makes you smile.

Congratulations, and don’t forget to look out for your scores in July!

Contributions by Roshni Mahendru