Playlist of the Week
Shreya Dasari, Editor in Chief
May 26, 2015
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About the Contributor
Shreya Dasari, Editor in Chief
Hello, I’m Shreya Dasari, and I’m the Editor in Chief for The Horizon. I’ve been on the Student Press staff since my freshman year. I like to sleep a lot and consequently, I’ve been forced to preset “oops” to autocorrect to “sorry, I was sleeping” on my phone. I listen to every genre of music and one of my many talents includes being able to identify any song and its artist by the first five seconds. My favorite color is red, but sometimes I change my mind and tell people that it’s black just to mess with them. I also dance, sometimes. Occasionally, I bake. I love raccoons. I’m obsessed with raccoons. They love trash, and I am Trash™, so therefore, raccoons love me.