Find Welly the Water Droplet
Starting on Monday, April 11, Welly the Water Droplet, crocheted by the Westwood Knitting Club, will be hidden around the campus for students and staff to find. Those who find Welly have the chance to win a raffle at Warrior Fest.
In order to be entered in the raffle, students must first find Welly and take a selfie with him, then upload the selfie to the Warrior Fest accounts on either Instagram (@whsthirstproject) or Twitter (@wwthirstproject) with the hashtag #IFoundWelly. Once the selfie is uploaded, Welly must be re-hidden in a safe location, and the student should tweet a clue for the next person to find Welly.
The NHS (National Honor Society) marketing committee created the Welly project in hopes of spreading the word about the Thirst Project Fundraiser, a three week event that leads to the Westwood Warrior Fest.
“We just wanted to raise awareness for Warrior Fest and increase the number of attendants there.” Jenna Han ‘16 said.
This is NHS’s third year hosting Warrior Fest, and each year enough money has been raised to build a well that provides water to an entire village in Africa.
The raffle winner for the Welly project will be announced on Saturday, April 23 at Warrior Fest.

When I'm not in school, I spend my time figure skating and coaching skaters of all ages. I'm absolute trash for all stuffed animals, and sometimes I'm...