JV Football Close Game With the Leander Lions 19-20

  • Mohan Hegde ‘19 talks to his coach about his previous play.

  • Damon Harris ’19 runs the ball for a first down.

  • Quarterback Ian Cox ‘19 looks for an open player to pass the ball to.

  • JV players listen to the coach.

  • Jazelle Moreno ’20 cheers on the football team at kick off.

  • Josh Shoup ’19 blocks an offensive defender for the Lions.

  • Jaden Heinlein ’19 kicks the ball for a punt return.

  • Kyle Clements ’19 avoids opposing defense.

  • Steven Rios ’18 looks to the side for the next call.

  • The offensive line look at their coaches for the next play.

  • William Wallace ’18 stands and waits for the next play to be called.

  • Kyle Clements ’19 absorbs the opposing tackle.

  • Damon Harris ’19 runs to end zone.

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In their third game of the season, the JV football team took on the Leander Lions at the Warrior Bowl on Thursday, Sept. 8. It was a hard fought game from the Warriors, but in the end they fell short by one point.

The first quarter was a defensive struggle resulting in neither team scoring. Defensive players Roshan Mara ‘18 and Ethan Brown ‘19 both assisted the Warriors in successful defensive plays. In the second quarter, Kyle Clements ‘19 had a 55 yard touchdown after a pass from Ian Cox ‘19. With the extra point from Jaiden Heinlein ‘18, the Warriors took the lead, 7-6. However, the Warriors allowed another Lion touchdown, ending the second quarter with a score of 7-13.

Coming back from halftime, Damon Harris ‘19 had a 70 yard touchdown run, but a failed extra point followed. Towards the beginning of the quarter, Leander had a touchdown run that was called back due to a penalty. Near the end of the quarter, Troy Yanez ‘18 was ejected from the game due to unsportsmanlike conduct.

“We played well – we just missed opportunities when they came to us,” Zach Goodall ‘18 said. “We need to improve on tackling, making reads and executing plays on offense.”

In the final quarter, Damon Harris ‘19 scored another touchdown, but the extra point was unsuccessful. Following, Lions scored again and set Leander ahead. In the last two minutes of the game, Warriors had possession of the ball, but due to incomplete passes the Warriors were unable to score again, therefore were defeated 19-20.

“I think as a team we played well and fought hard, and it was unfortunate that we came up with the loss,” Cox said. “If everyone on the team can succeed in doing their job than there is no doubt in my mind that we will win the rest of the games on our schedule.”

The JV football team faces Vista Ridge High School in their next game on Thursday, Sept. 15, at Vista Ridge.