Q&A with Will Jennings ’18

Jaikem Murphy

Lindsey Thomas

Quarterback Will Jennings 18 runs to get a Warrior first down.

Q: Who inspired you to play football? Why?

A: My dad inspired me to play football because he played in middle school and high school and he said it was a lot of fun. Also, a lot of my friends started to play football, and I wanted to be close to them so that’s what originally got me to start playing football.

Q: Was your dad your football coach at any point?

A: Yes, he was my 7v7 football coach, and he was also my pee wee football coach.

Q: Do you play any other sports, if so which one is your favorite? Why?

A: I play lacrosse and basketball, but lacrosse is probably my favorite, then basketball. There’s more running, it’s more exciting, and there’s more contact which I like.

Q: Out of all of the games you’ve played which is your favorite?

A: Definitely my last game, which was also my best game. I got a lot of passing yards and touchdowns, and the whole team just came together and got a good win over Rouse.

Q: What made you fall in love with the sport?

A: All of my friends playing it, and how we banded together as a team. We are really together and I really like that because we can tell each other anything.

Q: Who is the most inspirational coach you’ve ever had? Why?

A: Probably Coach Wood because he doesn’t let me be anything but perfect, and he’s always on me about every little thing which is good because that is what made me who I am today.

Q: Would you like to add anything?

A: Shout out to Beau Brown and the Defense for being awesome on the football field.