Blacklight Pep Rally Pumps Up School Spirit
On Feb. 9, the Blacklight Pep Rally took place in the big gym. As usual, Coach Travis Dalrymple led the show, encouraging the crowd to become louder and louder. The two halves of the crowd screamed “West” and “Wood,” until suddenly the lights turned off and the only things which could be seen were the black-lights and glow sticks. The show began with music from the band, whose members had decorated their instruments in glow tape, and with a separate performance from the cheerleaders, who brought energy into the crowd.
“We’ve been practicing our routine for cheer for a very long time, but I think the hardest part about the performance was not being able to see,” Harmony Thornhill ‘19 said.
The rest of the event was similar to previous pep rallies. The SunDancers performed to the Prince song “Baby I’m a Star.” Then, students from various sports, such as basketball, swimming, soccer, and softball, came to the mic and spoke out about upcoming games or tournaments. As blue strobe lights covered the walls, first the cheerleaders then K-Pop club, then the Breakdance club performed their own numbers, all in the darkness. The choir students sang and performed their rendition of “Uptown Funk,” from their spring Cabaret show.
“I liked the SunDancers and I personally liked the blackout, which made it different,” Alana Olson ‘20 said.
The rally continued with Principal Mario Acosta’s teacher-appreciation announcements, in which he presented Ms. Emily Eyob with a bouquet of flowers. The pep-rally concluded with a performance by the SunDancers who performed Sharaya J’s “Shut it Down.”
“We try to mix it up and make it really special for the kids,” Coach Dalrymple said. “A lot of preparation went in: I had to rent black lights, I had to order a bunch of glow-sticks, I had to plan everything out, and find a bunch of groups that not only perform but perform when it’s pitch black and wear good costumes.”
With the special theme and unique performances, the pep-rally was an exciting experience to allow the students to take their minds off of their work.

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