JV White Volleyball Team Defeats Stony Point Tigers 2-1

  • Lydia Harris ’22 serves the ball during the first set.

  • Izzy Correll ’22 serves the ball to the opposing team.

  • Ellie Duff ’22 serves the ball to Stony Point.

  • Ellie Duff ’22, Izzy Correll ’22 and Bella Garcia ’21 await the serve from Stony Point.

  • Coach Lanea Meyer and team members congratulate Stony Point on a good game.

  • Abbey Jennings ’22 celebrates after scoring a point.

  • Catherine Ray ’22 bumps the ball into the air.

  • The team celebrates after scoring a point.

  • Alma Zirojevic ’21 and teammates block the ball hit by Stony Point.

  • Abbey Jennings ’22 spikes the ball towards the opposing team.

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The JV White volleyball team fought the Stony Point Tigers on Friday, Aug. 31 with the Warriors claiming the win with a score of 2-1.

While the team fell short in the first set with a score of 22-25, they were neck and neck with Stony Point for the first 20 points during the second set. The Lady Warriors turned their scores around in the next two sets to claim their win. Their loss pressured them to return stronger in the remaining sets.

“At the beginning we were a little rough, but by the end of it, we got energy and we were communicating and passing,” Ellie Duff ‘22 said. “We were able to finish it out and it was a good game.”

The second set was neck and neck with both teams catching up and falling behind. They were tied at 20-20, but eventually the Lady Warriors pulled ahead ending the set with a score of 25-22.

“Every time someone did something well, we made sure we were cheering for them,” Emma Marsden ‘21 said.

The cheers and encouragement for the JV White team helped them stay ahead the whole third set, even helping the ladies’ score increase to 10-5. The team worked hard throughout the whole set against the Tigers. Westwood won the third set and the game with a final score of 25-19.

“I think the game went really well, we worked a lot on defense and you could tell their defense was much better, so I’m happy with how they did,” Coach Lanea Meyer said. “We started off making a bunch of little silly mistakes, communication mistakes, but they cleaned it up and came together in the end.”

The JV White volleyball team is making great progress through this season. The team will face off against the McNeil Mavericks on Tuesday Sept. 4 at 5:30 in the Westwood Field House gym.