Seniors Sign College Banner


  • Nisha Seyed ’19 snaps a picture of the emblems while Ms. Holly Browning talks to students.

  • Seniors Sameer Jain, Arthur Farnsworth, Kelsia Adil, and Nisha Seyed look at the signatures written around college emblems.

  • Seniors gather around the banner.

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To celebrate College Decision Day, seniors signed a large banner on Wednesday, May 1 to indicate which college or university they will be attending next year. School emblems were hand drawn on the banner by Lead Counselor Holly Browning, and students could sign the banner all day in the atrium to signify their commitment to the next step in their education.

“It was interesting to see how many people were going to diverge off into different places and how many people got into Ivy Leagues or really competitive universities,” Sam Smith ‘19 said. “It was a turning point in realizing this is where I am going, and where everyone else is going. We’re all splitting off and doing our own thing.”

The newly-signed banner will be displayed across from the library patio to inspire next year’s seniors during their own process of college admissions.