JV Boys’ Basketball Conquers Hendrickson 42-40

  • While watching out for the opposition, Robbie Jeng ’21 dribbles the ball in the first quarter. The game started off slowly with the Warriors trailing by four points.

  • Josh Choy ’22 dribbles the ball across the court and attempts to make a shot. While the Hawks tried to steal the ball, Choy was fast on his feet and scored another basket for the Warriors.

  • After a Hawks player deflected the ball upward, several Warriors leap to corral it. The Warriors regained possession to prevent the Hawks from getting a steal.

  • Dribbling the ball across the court, Robbie Jeng ’21 prepares to pass the ball to another team member. Jeng was an essential member of the team as he efficiently moved the ball and set up teammates.

  • Dribbling the ball, Karsten Bresser ’22 takes it up the court. Throughout the game, the Warriors constantly fought hard to keep the Hawks from gaining a lead.

  • Josh Choy ’22 shoots in the lane. The Warriors quickly gained a lead in the second quarter and sustained it throughout.

  • Coach Drew Rigney prepares the players for another play. After fighting hard in the first quarter, the coach gave the team extra inspiration to keep going.

  • Josh Choy ’22 looks up the court as he keeps the ball from the Hawks. After making a shot for the Warriors, Choy passed the ball to one of his teammates in the next Warriors possession.

  • While dribbling the ball across the court, Samer Salman ’21 scans for open teammates. After making a shot, Salman would shoot again on the ensuing possession.

  • Keeping the ball away from the defenders, Josh Choy ’22 attempts to make a shot. In the face of the Hawks’ attempted comeback, Choy helped the Warriors triumph through earning consistent points.

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The JV Boys’ basketball team inched past the Hendrickson Hawks and scored a win for the Warriors on Tuesday, Jan. 21. The Warriors fought hard and set the score at 42-40.

“We played pretty good defensively,” coach Drew Rigney said. “We probably could have scored a little more on the offense, but when it came down to the game, we made the plays that counted and we wound up coming out with a win.”

The Warriors started the game off slowly, making only six points compared to the Hawks’ 10 in the first quarter. The second quarter also didn’t go as well as the team had hoped. However, the team turned it around in the last few minutes of the first half, with Glen Liu ‘21 making several shots. The first half ended 19-18, the Warriors in the lead.

“I thought I played pretty good, but I thought I played a little too timid,” Liu said. “I could’ve made better shots. I thought we started around the end of the second half, we came out really fast, but then we slowed it down and let them catch up.”

After the first half, it only got better for the Warriors. Within five minutes, Samer Salman ‘21 and Vinay Majjiga ‘22 both made shots putting the score at 31-19. 

“My motto is to never give up and whenever I saw we were down, I talked to my team and I feel like I’m one of the leaders on the team so I had to pick everyone up and I told them ‘let’s go, let’s keep the intensity up’ and then we started rolling,” Salman said.

Salman, Liu, and sophomores Carson Turner, Eric Gu, and Josh Choy all scored during the third and fourth quarters, pushing the Warriors’ score higher and maintaining their league despite a late Hawks’ rally. The game ended with the score 42-40 and the Warriors walking away with another win for the season.

“I think I could’ve made more shots. I think on the defensive end, we did a pretty good job, but offense we kind of lacked and had a lower shooting percentage and missed some of those free throws at the end, but we got it done at the end of the day,” Salman said.

The Warriors’ next game will be Friday, Jan. 24 against the Vista Ridge Rangers at Vista Ridge High School.