Student Council Touches Base In The Lecture Hall
Student Council (StuCo) touched base last Tuesday in the lecture hall, to review fundraisers and projects. Attendees of the meeting included club leaders from the Smash, Poetry, and Prose Club, and a special appearance from the leaders of Self Defense Club.
“Every Westwood student is a StuCo member already- that’s what we believe,” StuCo member Fatima Shah’ 22 said. “It is really important that we have these meetings so that we let the student body know what’s happening, and how they can get involved.”
The President and Vice President of Self Defense Club demonstrated how being equipped with basic defense skills can be useful in everyday situations. They also educated the members on a special self defense technique to use against street predators.
“Self defense [is to] to make sure you’re always safe,” Vice President Shreya Kuthiala’ 21 said. “We raise awareness of things you can do to avoid dangerous situations. You don’t have to be strong, there are super simple moves, [but they’re] really effective.”
The meeting proceeded to put a spotlight on upcoming events. Along with introducing new t-shirt designs for sale, StuCo said they will soon start their Valentine fundraiser by selling Fun Dip. Prom tickets will also soon be up for sale, starting at $35 dollars and gradually increasing to $80 as prom date approaches.
“I remember in elementary school we used to have valentine grams, that was always fun,” Emma Trail ‘22 said. “[the Valentine fundraiser is] a really cute idea. I like sour stuff too, your mouth gets all green afterwards.”
Additionally, many fundraisers were highlighted for ways to give back to the community. Ms. Martinez’s room will host a card-making session on Tuesday, Jan. 28 for pediatric cancer patients at Dell Children’s Hospital. StuCo also announced they will be needing volunteers for the upcoming Friday, Feb. 14 Valentine’s dance hosted for students with special needs. The most recent fundraiser is “libraries of love” where you can donate gently used books at a designated drop off in the library.
The next StuCo meeting will occur on Tuesday, Feb. 11 both before and after school.

Hello, I am an aspiring creator with a passion for storytelling. You can often find me visiting trees on long nature walks, dreaming, tending to my houseplants,...