[GALLERY] Choir Kicks Off School Year at Choir Camp

  • Choir President Apoorva Gobburu ’22 helps the Soprano section while they learn the song ‘Lord Bless You and Keep You.’ The singers held a thumbs up to show they understood the music.

  • After singing the song ‘Lord Bless You and Keep You,’ a choir tradition, the seniors stand in a line with their arms linked to do a wave after the “Woo Girl” calls it out. Rosie Deal ’22 will pass the title of Woo Girl to a younger student after she graduates to continue the tradition.

  • In front of one of the scavenger hunt locations, the Pink group takes a selfie as proof that they found it. They then rushed to figure out the next clue.

  • Choir officer Gabriel Paredes ’23 leads his color group during the scavenger hunt. Though they weren’t the first team to finish, they had a fun time.

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