One Last Time: Warrior Pride Concludes Year at Merge
In a flurry of elaborate costumes and bittersweet emotions, the 2022-2023 Warrior Pride team danced for the final time at Merge on Friday, May 5 at the Stony Point Auditorium. Merge is an annual performance that celebrates the collaboration of RRISD ensemble dance teams, including the McNeil Sapphires, Round Rock Dragon Pride, Stony Point Golden Dancers, Cedar Ridge Nobility, and Warrior Pride.
Kicking off the show with the Opener to “Cloudy Day,” each team was featured in the song and had the opportunity to showcase their skills. This year, Warrior Pride directors Katie Gunderson and Alaina Flores took on the task of choreographing the opener for each team. As applause and cheers emulated from the audience and behind the wings, the song concluded with the seniors from each team dancing together.
“Dancing with other schools during Opener really was a celebration of diversity, collaboration, and community,” Sophomore Cheyenne Wang said. “Feeling the nervous jitters in the wings and then performing on stage with all of our hearts is something I won’t ever forget.”
Warrior Pride performed their three award-winning pieces that they had previously presented at the Central Austin Challenge and Escapade. After dancing their hearts out, the teams had their last hurrah together as they huddled on the stage and honored each senior.
“It was such an emotional experience knowing this would be my last time performing [on Warrior Pride],” Aakanksha Mahajan ’23 said.

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