JV Girls’ Basketball Triumphs Over Rouse High School

From the tip off to the final buzzer, JV Girls’ Basketball team fought for their win against Rouse High School on Jan. 29. The final score was 42-32, beating Rouse by ten points. The competition was heated as the girls worked towards triumph.

“We started off rough, we weren’t focused as much as we usually are,” Allison Radar ‘17 said. “They got a head start on us and it kind of hindered us for a bit, but we kept fighting.”

After the past few games of scraping up points, the girls made adjustments to their game. They looked over their old plays and corrected their slip-ups. This ended up working in their favor as they played against Rouse once more.

“We looked over how we did last time and made adjustments, so we felt confident about winning,” Lauren Jury ‘17 said.

The effort that goes into preparing for a game can be extensive.  The team was expectant of the tough competition Rouse was going to give them. They went through old videos and find strengths that they could work with and weaknesses that they could fix in practice.

“We work with each other to kind of know what to do,” Allyah Beaty ‘18 said. “Varsity also helps us with that because they kind of help us get better. We were expecting a tough game, but it worked out pretty well.”

While the game had its high and low points, it proved to be an interesting game. After changes to their plays, hard practices, and a grueling game, the JV Lady Warriors proved their strength against Rouse and defeated them in a triumphant victory.