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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

  • Spring Break Is From 3/17-3/21!
  • Seniors, Order Your Cap & Gown Today!
  • Submit to the Dreamcatcher!
  • Buy your Yearbook!
The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Charlie Hui

Charlie Hui, Reporter

Class of 2026

Hi there! I’m Charlie, a diehard fan of everything related to discovering stories, reading stories, and writing stories. I am passionate about the world around us, specifically how people in power shape the financial and social world we rely on. I believe that only through clear, objective, yet engaging coverage of controversial situations can we slowly bridge the issues that divide us. In my free time, you can find me nose deep in a new story, out across the country competing in speech and debate, drinking unhealthy levels of boba, or a combination of the three!

All content by Charlie Hui