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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Focused, Jatin Aggarwal ‘26, Abraham Lira ‘24, and Akaash Reddy ‘25 perform last minute checks on Tomahawk’s robot and its programs before the start of a match. The team participated in ten qualification matches before entering the elimination rounds, winning 7 and losing 3.

Robotics FTC Team Westwood Tomahawk Makes RRISD History

Avi Rajesh, Heritage Student Life Editor May 25, 2024

Stepping into the George R. Brown Convention center in downtown Houston, thunderous applause and cheering deafened the competitors of the 2024 For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology...

With attention to detail, Jatin Aggarwal '26 inserts a battery. At this competition, Tomahawk won the Design Award for their robot's functional and aesthetic design.

Robotics Competes at FTC Central GEMS League Tournament

Avi Rajesh, Heritage Student Life Editor February 7, 2024

Making Westwood history, six FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) teams competed in the FIRST in Texas Central GEMS League Championship and three advanced to the next level. Team Tomahawk, ranking third overall,...

Posing for a photo, DECA seniors Brooke Xu, Valerie Zhang, and Hannah Lee relax after qualifying for the State competition. Westwood DECA beat personal records this year, having a total of 256 members advancing to compete at the next level.

DECA Breaks District Records

Mallory Milner, Reporter January 18, 2024

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) began their season with the Districts competition at Kalahari Resort. DECA members gathered to compete in written and roleplay events...

Concentrated, Tomahawk drivers Abraham Lira '24 and Akaash Reddy '25 steer their robot during a match. After their third competition of the year,  Tomahawk earned the title of ninth in the world and first in the GEMS league.

Robotics FTC Teams Set Records at Third FiT GEMS League Meet

Avi Rajesh, Heritage Student Life Editor December 14, 2023

Dominating in their third meet of the year, six For Robotics Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology (FIRST) Tech Challenge (FTC) teams competed on Sunday, Dec. 2. Prior to this competition,...

Focused, Archit Garg '26 demonstrates how to drive an advanced FTC robot to the workshop attendees.

Freshmen Forge Futures with the Robotics Club at Summer Workshop

Avi Rajesh, Heritage Student Life Editor August 15, 2023

From Monday, Aug. 7, to Wednesday, Aug. 9, the Westwood Robotics Club hosted a 3-day First Tech Challenge (FTC) preparation program for incoming freshmen to give them a head start for the upcoming...

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