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Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Posing proudly in their spirited getup, staff from the administration team shows off their cowboy attire for Western Wednesday. Howdy Week not only saw multiple students express themselves through fashion, but also gave staff an opportunity to have fun along with their students.

Students Get Hyped Over Howdy Week

Tara Kurkal, Tiktok Account Manager September 6, 2024

Annually holding a week-long celebration of school spirit and fun dress-up days, Student Council (StuCo) arranged Howdy Week to take place from Monday, Aug. 26 to Friday, Aug. 30.  Each day, a new theme...

Eshaan Chopra '23 goes over the French Club slideshow with its newest members. There is a big focus on French culture in the club and previous knowledge of French is encouraged but not required to join.

French Club Finds Community at First Meeting

Lena Boas, Extras Editor September 24, 2022

French Club held its first meeting of the year in Madame Harwick’s room on Sept. 21 at 8:30 a.m. Also called “le club de français,” French Club holds meetings on the third Wednesday of each...

Crowds of people gather at the edge of Zilker park to watch Greta Van Fleet close out the night. This was the rock band's second performance at the festival.

It’s More than Just Music: Students React to ACL’s Return Mid-Pandemic

Caelyn Swendner, Heritage Assistant Editor October 24, 2021

Trailer food, hot sun, crowds of people screaming song lyrics: the Austin City Limits (ACL) music festival has returned, packing Zilker Park full of Austinites, tourists, and Westwood students alike. The...

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