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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Smiling, Nathan Paddock '25 holds up a high-scoring homework assignment. The issue of grade inflation has persisted since the nationwide lockdown in 2020, increasing competition and leading to grades that may not reflect students' academic abilities.

Grade Inflation Heightens Since Lockdown

Shivani Kondubhatla, Horizon Editor-in-Chief February 14, 2024

When the world shut down during the pandemic, the education system took a weighty hit. Due to rolling school closures, harmful staff shortages, and the concern of absenteeism, schools had no choice but...

Posing for a photo, DECA seniors Brooke Xu, Valerie Zhang, and Hannah Lee relax after qualifying for the State competition. Westwood DECA beat personal records this year, having a total of 256 members advancing to compete at the next level.

DECA Breaks District Records

Mallory Milner, Reporter January 18, 2024

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) began their season with the Districts competition at Kalahari Resort. DECA members gathered to compete in written and roleplay events...

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