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Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Since late August, crickets have been appearing in massive amounts around campus. The presence of these insects, along with their smell and sound, have  been affecting the comfort of students.

Insect Invasion

Jacob Chow, Heritage Staff September 23, 2024

Walking through the crowded hallways, students comment passionately about the annual black field cricket infestation that has taken Westwood by storm. Crickets are seemingly everywhere, from the chirps...

Addressing event attendees, Ms. Erin Campbell shares the aims she hopes to achieve as the newly appointed principal. This meet-and-greet reception served as the first step towards providing expanded opportunities for community engagement. "I want our students to leave academically, socially, and emotionally ready for whatever step they want to take after Westwood," Ms. Campbell said.

Ms. Erin Campbell Discusses Goals as Principal at Community Meet-and-Greet

Catharine Li, Horizon Editor-in-Chief July 13, 2022

Attentively welcoming various community members, newly appointed principal Ms. Erin Campbell conversed with students, parents, and teachers during a public meet-and-greet reception in the cafeteria...

Principal Dr. Mario Acosta announced his resignation in an email on Tuesday, May 17.

Dr. Mario Acosta Announces Resignation

Hannah Ashtari, Managing Editor May 17, 2022

After six years of serving the Westwood community as principal, Dr. Mario Acosta announced his resignation on Tuesday, May 17. "Please know that the decision to leave was not made lightly, as I have...

Westwood Lifts Lockdown After External Threat is Cleared

Hannah Ashtari, Managing Editor January 19, 2022

On Wednesday, Jan. 19, at 10:55 a.m., Westwood High School went on lockdown after reports of an external threat in the area. The school then transitioned to a hold-in-place after Austin police reported...

The Omicron variant continues to spread in school, and case numbers have risen significantly since the start of the second semester. Students have expressed concerns about the RRISD's current safety protocols regarding the new variant.

Students Plan Walkout As Concerns Rise About Omicron in School

Shreya Selvaraju, Horizon Editor-In-Chief January 18, 2022

Amid an unprecedented rise in COVID-19 cases after winter break, many parents and students have expressed concerns about the safety of returning to in-person school. While the Round Rock Independent...

RRISD has set up a website to provide daily Covid-19 information.

RRISD and Westwood Open COVID-19 Testing Stations for Students, Staff

Zoejane Ostebo, Opinions Editor and Extras Editor February 10, 2021

Since Feb. 2, Round Rock ISD has begun to give free drive-through COVID-19 testing to all staff and students. Testing is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and all appointments...

Danielle Weston is running for Board of Trustees Place 7. "Preparing our students for the future is a sacred obligation of all school board trustees," Ms. Weston said.

Danielle Weston Centers Campaign on Serving Students

Hannah Ashtari, Managing Editor October 25, 2020

Election season has returned to Austin once again, marked by the colder weather and falling leaves, along with lines of people that can be found congregating at polling places and winding around buildings....

COVID-19 Infection Rates Rising Among Younger People

COVID-19 Infection Rates Rising Among Younger People

Sarah Wollney, Reporter October 20, 2020

Since stay-at-home orders were put in place last March, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Texas has begun to stabilize. In response to this, Governor Greg Abbot began Phase III of reopening Thursday,...

Kim Boen is running for RRISD School Board Place 1 this election year. With 33 years of experience teaching in the district, Ms. Boen believes it is time to give back to the community.

Kim Boen Makes Closing Coronavirus Education Gaps Campaign Keystone

Amy Simon, Sports Editor October 15, 2020

This November, RRISD voters will be able to choose a number of candidates for four open seats on the board of trustees. Kim Boen, a former teacher who taught in the district for 33 years, is running against...

Jun Xiao is running for RRISD Trustee Place 1 this election year. With his background in technology and science, Dr. Xiao hopes to bring a renewed perspective to the RRISD Board

Dr. Jun Xiao Hopes a STEM Background Will Fuel Election Day Win

Amoli Agarwal, Horizon Editor-in-Chief October 1, 2020

Distinctive blue yard signs and posters placed in areas zoned to Westwood all display the same message: Dr. Jun Xiao for RRISD Trustee Place 1, with the words “Diversity” and “Science” highlighted,...

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