Seniors Steven Chen and Allen Zhang stack bananas before the race begins.
Sophomore Chandra Tummala and senior Aarti Bhat cheer as they offer the Race for the Cure participants bottles of water.
Senior Tiffany Tsai organizes bottles of tea at the finish line.
Standing watch over a food station, sophomore Andrea Peir watches as a runner takes a banana.
Sophomore Danny Lang offers snacks and beverages for the finished Race for the Cure runners.
Junior Laine Danielson holds up a box of fruit at the finish line.
Sophomores Phoebe Dang, Yuli Lim, and Ben Akande hand out bananas and bottles of water to the runners.
Outreach and Red Cross Club both volunteered at the Race for the Cure food stations on Sunday, November 10, from 6 to 10 a.m. Students worked to organize each table of snacks and beverages and handed out food to runners after the race began. The run helped raise awareness and funds for the fight against breast cancer.