The Westwood Junior Classical League (WJCL), more commonly known as Latin Club, will host the 2014 Texas State Junior Classical League (TSJCL) Convention, a gathering of nearly 2000 Latin students, teachers, and others from all over the state, on April 11-12. WJCL is currently looking for interested parents and guardians to help in many capacities including staffing the hospitality room, aiding in the efficient running of contests, and helping with crowd control. Student organizations may also sell snacks and other items at the bazaar on April 12.
Westwood has not boasted the honor of hosting this state convention since 1997. WJCL is a member club of the TSCJL organization, which is a branch of the National Junior Classical League (NJCL), an organization dedicated to the study of Classics, namely Latin and Greek. Formed in 1936 and sponsored by the American Classical League (ACL), NJCL is the largest classical organization in the world, encompassing over 50,000 junior and senior high school students.
Students interested in volunteering or fundraising should contact club sponsor Jeanine Edson at [email protected].