From left to right: seniors Mark Camardo, Ronnie Dasgupta, Joe Paul, Brandon Brown, Costa Skevofilax, Aditya Ali, Dylon Hopp, Zach Coles, junior Cole Turner, and senior Stephen Chao wait backstage before the start of the pageant. The ten attended multiple practices in order to perfect the opening dance.
Senior emcees Erik Negley and Josh Loehr pump up the audience while introducing each of the contestants.
The Mr. Warrior contestants perform their opening dance. The dance included snippets from popular songs like “I Will Always Love You” and “Baby Got Back.”
Mr. Warrior contestants seniors Ronnie Dasgupta, Aditya Ali, Costa Skevofilax, and Dylon Hopp all dance to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” as part of the opening number.
Senior Aditya Ali interacts with the crowd as he dances during the talent portion of the pageant.
Junior Cole Turner plays the marimba during Mr. Warrior. Turner played multiple percussion instruments in his performance.
During the talent portion, senior Joe Paul dances hip-hop. Though he did not proceed to the final five, he did win an award for “Best Smile” at the end of the night.
Mr. Warrior contestant senior Ronnie Dasgupta presents a giant teddy bear to his escort, senior Annaliese Oliveira, during the formal wear portion. Each contestant performed a small skit with their escort(s).
Mr. Warrior contestant senior Stephen Chao shows off his tuxedo alongside escort senior Marilyn Mathew.
2013 Mr. Warrior winner senior Rich Aladin performs during the pageant. Aladin served as one of the five judges for this year’s Mr. Warrior competition.
Senior SunDancer Saloni Kumar dances
The 2014 Mr. Warrior contestants line up and await the results of the competition.
Finalists senior Costa Skevofilax and Zach Coles wait to see who is the 2014 Mr. Warrior.
Senior Zach Coles smiles after winning the 2014 Mr. Warrior competition. In addition to winning, he also won “Most Talented” for his stand-up comedy act.
Senior contestant Mark Camardo embraces the 2014 Mr. Warrior Zach Coles.
Photos by Alyssa Johnson and Tristan Seifert