This year, freshmen enrolled in the Pre-IB program will be able to create their own, unique Pre-IB t-shirt. Freshmen must submit their digital designs to IB Coordinator Stephanie Childress by Wednesday, Sept. 30. The designs will be judged by the Pre-IBSO (Pre-International Baccalaureate Student Organization) Committee and Ms. Childress. The winner of the contest will have their design printed and cut out for students to screen.
The screening date is set for Monday, Oct. 19 at 4:10 p.m. (Date subject to change.) By holding the t-shirt designing contest and event, the IBSO is hoping to give the Pre-IB ninth graders a taste of what kind of activities IBSO. While creating their new shirts, freshmen will meet their IB mentors, students involved in IBSO. The shirt screening event is one of the few events to take place this year. Other events include service hours opportunities and a special activity to take place in the spring.