Keep Calm and Carrion: Vultures Return


  Last year, two vultures, Victor and Victoria, nested in the school’s courtyard and raised their chick under the cover of vegetation. Despite the unpredictable weather changes and the unfamiliar environment, the birds protected and helped their child grow into a fully developed vulture. The three left in August, and many wondered whether the birds would ever return.

  And return they did. Spotted first early in January, the vultures — Victor, Victoria, and their youngling, Vinny — were sighted in the courtyard. Many theories of why the birds returned have arisen, a majority of them consisting of the idea that Vinny had come back to nest himself. Though a mate of Vinny has yet to be seen, supporters of the vultures hope that there will be additions to the progressively growing family.

 “They’re back! That’s exciting and statistically significant,” Mrs. Penny Smeltzer said, “I am looking forward to watching the entire spring nesting process again. It’s great to have such a great nature lesson right on campus.

  While there are numerous anticipations for the formation of a new nest, the construction that will take place over the summer calls into question the safety of the critters. The school plans to innovate the courtyard and extend the classrooms, but due to the surprise visit of the vultures, the construction is yet to be confirmed.

  The final decision of what is to be done has yet to come to a conclusion. Until then, the vultures will remain and be welcomed back onto the school campus, a place that is hoped to be a home for not only the three vultures, but many future generations as well.