Why You Should Play a Musical Instrument


Music is an integral part of our existence. Almost everywhere in the world, we can hear music, whether it be in the form of vocal or instrumental performance. It is a universal code made to please everyone, with numerous and varying genres such as classical, rock, hip-hop, punk, blues, and everything in between. While everyone enjoys listening to music, however, not everyone is a musician – a person with the ability to produce that said music. This could be due to various reasons, such as financial problems or the lack of teachers, but no matter what stage of life you’re in, it is never too late to start learning. Here are some reasons why you should consider starting!

1. Playing an instrument helps relieve stress.
When the day has been tough and nothing ever seems to work out in your life, you can express your pent up emotions through music. Playing a happy song angrily or playing a dramatic song with extra emphasis can help vent your frustrations and worries. Playing music takes your mind to an unfamiliar yet soothing place in your imagination, a place where the bad turns into the good through the course of the individual notes that combine to produce a melody that conveys your personal and raw emotions. Skill does not matter in terms of stress; beauty is in the eye of the beholder and music is just a medium through which you put yourself out there. No matter how you sound, playing an instrument will empty and destress your mind.

2. Playing an instrument improves your social life.
Music helps you connect. Instrumentalists join orchestras or choirs inside or outside of their schools either for credit or to enrich their musical skills. As a byproduct, they learn to interact with others with similar interests and passions and develop social skills. They build long lasting friendships that cross paths in the future and enrich their lives. Also, performing at concerts or gigs provide room for unexpected friendships. Other conductors or players may approach you asking for a collaboration, which could open a new door for many more new friendships.

3.Playing an instrument helps build confidence.
Playing an instrument means acquiring a skill that you can be proud of. For those who face confidence issues, knowing that there is at least one thing that they clearly can do is a huge relief. And the thing is, playing an instrument continues to build confidence; it doesn’t just stop after that initial moment of starting to play. As you get better and better at playing and performing, your confidence keeps on increasing. It has no limit and it can help you become a whole new person.

These are only three out of countless reasons why you should consider starting to play an instrument. Music is an outlet that allows for the expression of feelings, and thus is an existence that can be utilized to respond to almost any situation in life. When learned, it is a priceless aspect of life that no other can match. To learn and to live is the course of life, so learn to play music!