Kathleen Zhang ’18


“There’s something special about standing under the stadium lights, looking up towards the cheering crowd, knowing that you’re about to put one of your best performances onto the field. Marching band isn’t just a hobby; it’s my passion, a way of life that I’ve committed to since freshman year. Yet, the 10-minute show the audiences see reveals only a slight insight to the work put in behind the chandeliers and the costumes. All the sweat and dedication we’ve put in as a family is what a marching band is the most proud of, what I’m the most proud of. Although we like the trophies and the titles, as our band directors say, ‘people earn the trophies during practice and collect them at the competitions.’ Marching band is an activity where everyone is important and needed, whether you’re a Varsity marcher or a sound crew member. Everything comes together to make something that can leave crowds of people breathless. When you join band, the people become your family and the band hall becomes your home, to the point that you spend more time with them than your actually family. We fight, argue, and might not always agree with each other, but in the end, we stand as a single unit in front of everyone. Marching band is my pride, my passion, and my family.”