SMASH Club Holds SMASH Bros. Tournament
SMASH Club hosted a SMASH Bros. tournament Friday, Dec. 2 in the Great Room.
“I thought [the tournament] went pretty well,” Timothy Ebert ‘19 said. “I think it needed it little bit more organization but other than that it flowed pretty nicely.”
SMASH club collected canned goods as an entrance fee to participate in the tournament and plans to donate the cans to the Austin Food Bank.
“We were able to get a fairly large amount of cans. We had twenty people show up and participate in the tournament and we collected 55 cans,” club president Keelan McClendon ‘17 said.
About the Writer

Catherine Wiesehuegel, Reporter
My life basically consists of playing lacrosse and doing homework but when I have a moment to myself I can be found jamming out to my favorite songs or...