Annual Robotics Task Announced at FRC Kickoff

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  • Westwood club members wait for the task to be announced.

    Catherine Wiesehuehgel
  • While the presentors get set up, music videos play for the many students.

    Catherine Wiesehuehgel
  • Ava Hsu ’18 plays on her phone while the presentation is being prepared.

    Catherine Wiesehuehgel
  • The robotics club walks to the work shops

    Catherine Wiesehuehgel
  • Robotics clubs from around Texas gathered at dripping springs to hear this year’s task.

    Catherine Wiesehuehgel
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Saturday, Jan. 7 marked the beginning of the Robotics FRC season when this year’s task was announced at Dripping Springs High School. Each year, a new task is announced at the kickoff and robotics clubs later compete to fulfill the task.

“It’s less complicated than last year, but it looks deceptively less complicated less complicated. Once you get into the intricacies of the game, it’s very difficult,” Club President Timothy Pollard-Grayson ‘18 said.

This year’s task, or game as season teams call it, is called “FIRST Steamworks” and has a steampunk theme. According to Pollard, the games usually involve moving items from one area to another via the robot you build. At the Kickoff, the teams learn more details about what their robot will have to do.

“It’s exciting because we get to learn what we’ll be working towards for the next six weeks. It gives us the goal for our hard, hard work for those weeks,” Pollard-Grayson said.