JV White Volleyball Triumphs over Pflugerville Panthers

  • Lauren Kellly ’21 throws her arms up in celebration of a point for Westwood.

  • Lauren Wood ’21 and Mia Kuge ’20 await Pflugerville’s serve.

  • Lauren Kelly ’21 sets the ball.

  • Chloe Rech ’21 slams the ball back to Pflugerville.

  • The Lady Warriors huddle around Coach Lanea Meyers.

  • The Lady Warriors share high fives among the Panthers at the end of the game.

  • Alma Zirojeric ’21 gets ready to serve the ball.

  • Mia Kuge ’20 and Chloe Rech ’21 grab each others’ hand after winning their first set.

  • The Lady Warriors raise their hands in a Warrior sign.

  • Sara Sagues ’21 hits the ball.

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With cheers echoing around the gym, the JV White volleyball team ran onto their home court ready to win. Focused and determined, the Lady Warriors did just that and walked out with an incredible 2-0 victory Oct. 2, 2017.

As soon as the whistle was blown, weeks of practice honed in as Lauren Wood ‘21 confirmed their confidence was well deserved by landing two ace serves to achieve an early lead of 5-1. Points from then on were clearly one sided, as the set continued with Emma Mardsen ‘21 landing well placed hits to get around the Panthers blocks. Abby Brueck ‘20 was also a key player in the set, managing to score four perfect serves that the Panthers could not get back over the net, giving her teammates a lead of 17-5. Claire Grey ‘21 was right alongside Brueck with consistent hits and serves that led the game to 24-9 with no sign of the Lady Warriors backing down. And after the Panthers fumble the ball, the set is over with a final score of 25-10.

“I’m most proud that we pulled in at the end,” Mia Kuge ‘20 said.

The second set would prove to be a neck-and-neck battle for the Lady Warriors. Despite earning the first point, neither team could get a lead more than two points on the other until Sara Sauges ‘21 saved the Lady Warrior’s small lead by pushing the ball right in front of her opposing team for a score of 8-5. This spurred her teammates forward, and started a four point streak before the Panthers could begin to catch up. Parents and fans alike were on the edge of their seats before long, however, as the Panthers began to catch up to the Lady Warriors, tieing the score again and again after both teams had reached 15 points. Suddenly, when the score was 19-19, Kuge came alive and delivered two ace serves and a spike which helped her teammates to reach 22-19. Mardsen and Brueck were close behind, each saving their teammates lead with a successful hit each to win the game 25-20.

“We let them catch up to us,” Kuge said. “But we started communicating more and going for every ball.”

The JV White team hopes to see everyone at their next game at McNeil High School against the McNeil Mavericks at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 6.