JV Boys’ Basketball Overcomes the Hays Rebels 74-56

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The triumphant JV boys’ basketball overcame their opponent the Hays Rebels 74-56, last night on Tuesday, Dec. 5. Following their big win, the varsity and freshman teams also left the court victorious. Crowds of students, parents, and general Warrior fans cheered in excitement of their series of wins.

After winning the tip off, the Warriors were first to score with a three-point shot by Dylan Granger ‘19. While they primarily remained dominant, tensions rose as the score tightened in the last few minutes of the quarter. With time coming close, Fenix Wiles ‘20 was able to block an attempted last shot by the Rebels, ending the first quarter 17-15 in the Warriors’ favor.

Despite the Rebels taking the lead half way into the second quarter, the team prevailed and concluded with a 40-31 score just before halftime.

“Obviously there were things we could’ve done better, but as a whole, we played really well together,” Wiles said. “There were a few small things we could have improved on though, like communicating, rebounding, and being helpful on defense.”

Coming into the second half of the game, the Warriors strengthened in their offense. While several fouls occured in the third quarter, the rebels had little success in making their free throws. Granger, however, successfully made four free throw shots. The Warriors again came on top with an astounding 70-47 lead.  

Having such a high score advantage, the team made some major substitutions of players in the fourth quarter, in which the Rebels were able to make some advancements, but ultimately came short. The Warriors conquered the Rebels 74-56.

“We didn’t have too many struggles and ended up beating them by a lot,” Jack Granger ‘19 said. “Our ball pressure was good and we had a lot of steals.”

Departing from tonight’s success, the team has expressed great positivity as to how the future of the season will go.

“I don’t think we’ve played a high level of competition yet so I’m not sure how districts will go, but I think we have a good team,” Jack Granger ‘19 said.

The team will be competing in the Lion Classic Tournament Dec. 7-9 at Leander High School.