IB Students Show Off Talents
Apart from their academic finesse, IB students showcased their impeccable talents to friends, family, and teachers at the annual IBSO Talent Show on Monday Feb. 12.
The three senior hosts Eeman Khan, Ishani Pandya, and Fallon McDonald introduced the acts by engaging in comic relief. The show began with a group medley of Can’t Help Falling in Love accompanied by two ukuleles, which was followed by Jimmy Chen ‘18 who performed the melodic Transcending Sight on the piano while blindfolded, making seemingly no mistakes. The audience’s worlds were then turned upside down through Khan’s stand-up comedy as attendees learned of the World According to Eeman, who recollected significantly humorous times in her life and her family. The Act One performances then varied of a poetry reading, dabbing performance, and a contemporary ballet dance.
“This is a long standing tradition in the IB Program to have this talent show, so every year we are always keeping it in mind and planning for it,” Ms. Stephanie Childress, IB Coordinator, said.
To conclude the first act, the senior class of IB performed their own senior skit, which followed Jan, a student embarking on a journey through the world of IB, noticing it was not as it may seem. The skit included a number of students who made light-hearted jokes about IB classes and teachers. Following the skit, the senior class sang together and awarded all IB teachers with a bouquet of flowers, thanking them for everything they have done.
“The senior class has grown really close over the past year,” Fallon McDonald ‘18 said. “I think the fact that we can make these light-hearted and good-natured jabs at each other really shows that we do trust each other and know the ins and outs of everyone’s relationships.”
After the 15-minute intermission, which included lemonade, cookies, and an art exhibit featuring the work of IB students, Act Two commenced. The show began with a Bollywood dance medley, followed by a few musical acts, including the gender-role-switched remake of Jingle Bell Rock from the popular film Mean Girls. The next acts included Malaya Wright ‘19 who recited her original poem titled Unblackness, and an abridged version of the death scene from Hamlet, performed by Jack Mattson ‘18. The talent show concluded with two beautiful poems by Kate Lee ‘19.
“I think [the talent show] really reflects how everybody in the IB community is different in their own way and what they each chose to do for their acts, or chose not to do,” Mattson said. “[It] really reflects who they are as a person but also as a member of a large community.”

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