Varsity Girls’ Softball Falls to Raiders 10-0

  • Haley Popelka ’18 prepares her pitch.

  • Alyssa Popelka ’19 outbeats the first baseman and makes it safe.

  • Natalie O’Connor ’20 catches the ball at second base as a runner tries to steal.

  • Quincy Jones ’21 catches a foul ball in the outfield.

  • The Warriors huddle up on the field.

  • Gabby Garcia ’19 catches a strike thrown by Haley Popelka ’18.

  • Lizzie Taylor ’18 gets down and ready.

  • Gabby Garcia ’19 retrieves the ball at home.

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The Lady Warriors suffered a disheartening 10-0 loss to the Cedar Ridge Raiders on Friday, March 23. Despite the unpleasant scoreboard, the team’s fans kept their attitudes high and continued to show their support for the girls.

Up to bat in the first inning, Quincy Jones ‘21 and Gabby Garcia ‘19 were walked but unable to come home after three other girls struck out to the Raiders’ pitcher. The Raiders, however, brought in three runs until Jones made the third out when she caught a pop-fly in the outfield. The second inning showed a slight improvement for the Lady Warriors. KK Jenkins ‘20 hit a hard grounder but was thrown out at first by the third baseman. Olivia Meyers ‘20, in addition, attempted a sneaky bunt but could not beat the catcher to first. Transitioning into the bottom of the inning, the Raiders were unable to advance. Meyers made the first out with a catch at second and throw to first base. Haley Popelka ‘18 made the final two outs with a throw to first base and then a strike-out.

“We all need to work on hitting,” Natalie O’Connor ‘20 said. “That’s kind of our achilles heel.”

Coming into the third inning, the Lady Warriors continued to struggle. Alyssa Popelka ‘19 got on base but was tagged out at second, followed by O’Connor and Jones. The Raiders, now at bat, brought in an additional two runs and advanced the scoreboard 5-0. As for the fourth inning, the score remained steady with neither team bringing in any runs.

“My strongest point was hitting even though I didn’t get on the base because it was probably the first time I’ve hit well slapping,” Jenkins said.

The fifth inning was a crushing end to the night for the Lady Warriors. An overthrow to first base allowed a runner to advance another base. Popelka ‘19 caught a pop-fly in the outfield but not before the other runner could advance to third. The Raiders then hit a triple and brought in another run. Garcia attempted to stop two more runners from coming home but couldn’t retrieve the ball in time. Meyers missed the ball at second, forcing Popelka ‘19 to throw the ball in from center field. Two final runs came in when Jones failed to catch a hit to right field, ending the night at 10-0.

“We need to have more confidence in ourselves and can’t get down when we get struck out,” Eileigh Whyte ‘21 said. “We need to back each other up and keep talking to each other.”

Join the Lady Warriors as they take on the Rouse High School Raiders at Westwood on Monday, March 26 at 7 p.m..