Engineering Students Compete at TAME State

Engineering teacher Mr. Doug Landers poses with Jenny Zhang ’19 and Anouka Saha ’21.

Competing at the state level in TAME (Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering), Jenny Zhang ’19 and Anouka Saha ’21 showcased their skills and came home with awards that testified to their success. Zhang placed 2nd in 11th grade Math, 4th in science, and 5th in the team design challenge. Saha won 3rd in 9th grade science and 5th in math.

Competitors stayed in cabins in a YMCA camp and had free time to play games such as tetherball and four square. They also enjoyed themselves with activities such as a bounce house, then tested for competition on the next morning on Monday, April 30.

“This year’s [design] challenge was to use lenses and mirrors to make a laser beam larger or smaller,” Saha said. “I thought it went pretty well but we didn’t place. They randomly assign the teams so we had to work with people from all over Texas from all different grades. I made friends with some other girls from Austin because we were in the same cabin so we kind of bonded.”