Freshman B Team Football Falls to Austin 6-20
After getting delayed by an hour, the freshman football B team took on Austin High on Sept. 6. Despite their best efforts, they lost 20-6.
“It feels great to be part of a brotherhood that you can fight for,” Marcos Henry ‘22 said.
During the first quarter, the team was winning 6-0, and had scored the first touchdown of the game. All onlookers cheered for their home team, but their luck did not last, as the other team began to catch up with their lead.
“Coach says that at the end of the day it all comes down to who wants it more,” Cody Nasrallah ‘22 said.
Though the team tried their best, they were unable to score any more points, and their opponents took the lead.
“We definitely have our flaws but we have plenty of room for improvement this season,” Dylan Klatt ‘22 said.
In the last quarter, the Warriors were losing 20-6, and needed two touchdowns to make a comeback, but they were not able to do this and lost.
“I think they’ll [the freshman teams] do good this year and win a lot of games because they are a very strong team and have a very strong build and we’re all very close,” Connor Templeton ‘21 said.
The A team was hoping to redeem the team, they psyched each other up and stretched while the B team finished, but they were unable to play because of nearby lightning.
Both teams will play Hendrickson on Thursday, Sept. 13 at the Warrior Bowl.

I'm the video editor and in charge of Humans of Westwood. This is my third year on staff and outside of student press I spend most of my time drawing....