Students Attend Environmental Career Presentation

Mr. David Gimmich presents to students.

Mr. David Gimmich, the Environmental Program Coordinator at Austin Water Utility, spoke to students during fifth and sixth block on Sept. 21 in the Library Great Room. To begin, Mr. Gimmich discussed his personal life, where he went to college, and how he took steps to start protecting the environment and working in a career he enjoys.  

“I thought it was really interesting how at first he was in college for so long,” Sree Maram ‘19 said, “and he thought he wouldn’t be successful at the end, but he was finally able to find a career that he really loved.”

Mr. Gimmich also demonstrated how the pollution the citizens of Austin create affect the popular Barton Springs and the surrounding Austin environment.

“What I found interesting about the presentation is about how he talked about different sections, like volunteers, communities, or like wildfire communities that help ensure safety to the environment and for ourselves,” Gina Yoo ‘19 said. “In the beginning I wasn’t that interested in science, but now that I’ve heard this presentation, I am kind of interested in pursuing it in college.”

Overall, students agreed that listening to Mr. Gimmich discuss his career was extremely helpful in deciding what to do in the future.