TEDxYouth@Austin 2019 Registration Opens

Technology. Entertainment. Design. These are the ideals and foundations for TED, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing informative talks to the world. On Saturday, Feb. 11, TEDxYouth@Austin brings TED talks to the youth of Austin. TEDxYouth@Austin Out[Spoken] 2019 will feature speakers and performers with unique experiences, from discussing functional democracy to exploring art as a medium of emotional expression. The event will take place at the Austin Central Library from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event is free and only requires participants to register beforehand here. Register now to secure a spot in the audience at the 2019 TEDxYouth@Austin event!

Hey there! I joined the yearbook staff on a whim a few years back, and what seemed like a small decision at the time veered my entire life onto a...