Orchestra Hosts Game Night
Students gathered in the orchestra room after school on Friday, Jan. 24 for Orchestra Game Night to play games, eat food, and have fun with friends.
The event started out with a Kahoot game that tested everyone’s general knowledge. Question topics varied from astronomy to facts about companies. Anna Beatty ‘22 was first for most of the game, but fell in rank towards the end. Laoise Matsumoto ‘21 won first place, followed by Orchestra Director Mr. Joshua Thompson in second place, and Beatty in third place.
“I was playing with my friends,” Matsumoto said. “It was more of a team effort. It was more bonding than ‘I won by myself’.”
After Kahoot, everyone played board games, card games, and video games. For video games, a console was set up, and students took turns playing and competing against each other in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Some students brought their own consoles to play with their friends. The board games and cards were provided by the students themselves. There were a variety of games, such as Twister, Jenga, Exploding Kings, and more. Playing games was an opportunity for students to bond and meet new people. Students had fun laughing at each other fall in Twister, beating each other in cards and board games, and just talking to each other.
“I like Twister a lot because I played with people I’ve never played with before, and it was fun to test my flexibility after ten years of not doing splits, or not really stretching at all,” Junna Castel ‘20 said.
Pizza was served at 5 p.m along with Chex Mix, chocolate, oranges, and sweet tea. The orchestra officers and the booster club helped plan and provide the food.
“The boosters helped us buy the pizza, and the iced tea,” Elliot Kim ‘21 said. “We organized the little snacks like Chex Mix and things like that, and we sent out a bunch of reminders asking for people to send different little snacks.”
Game Night was a fun opportunity for orchestra students to bond with their fellow orchestra members as well as play games with them. The next orchestra social is the Orchestra Olympics after school on Friday, March 6, where students will compete with each other in various outdoor activities.

Class of 2022
I love making videos, taking scenic photos on trips, writing, reading, and making art. I play the violin and do karate. I’m also a huge...