Color Guard Attends a Mum-Making Party in Preparation For Homecoming

  • Joaquin Schere ‘25 attaches ribbon to his mum using hot glue. All sorts of materials were provided including various types of ribbon, artificial flowers, and bells. “It was really fun to be creative with my team and [the party] was very enjoyable,” Schere said.

  • A variety of mums lay on the table, differing in color, design, and size. Each member of the color guard was assigned another person to make a mum for, resulting in an assortment of personalized mums.

  • Trinity Castro ‘25, Natalie Opiela ‘25, and Mia Ippolito ‘25 hold up their finished and nearly finished mums. “The mum-making party was a really good experience,” Ippolito said. “It was really nice getting to make a mum for someone else on the team.”

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On Monday, Oct. 11, strands of ribbons of all sizes and colors filled senior color guard co-captain Laura Pitner’s living room as the team made mums for each other in preparation for homecoming festivities. Each color guard member created a personalized mum for an assigned other member using the many materials that were available. 

“I didn’t really know what a mum was but I got taught how to make one,” Mikayla Smith ‘25 said. “We made our mums for each other, and it was a really cool experience to see everybody’s design and creativity.”

Most members hadn’t made mums before, specifically the sophomores and freshmen who did not have any sort of homecoming experience prior. The party was a learning experience for many. The mum-making party also gave the color guard an opportunity to socialize outside of normal rehearsal hours while participating in an annual tradition.