Band Attends Show Reveal for 2022 Marching Band Season

  • Band director Ms. Brittany Dacy explains some of the details of next year’s show and introduces who will be working on the show design and music behind the scenes. The music, design, and choreography will all come together when the band begins working on the show during summer band camp.

  • Current band members, incoming freshmen, alumni, and parents watch in excitement as a video summarizing the 2022 marching show plays. They got to see what next year’s show will be about and hear some of the show’s music.

  • Eighth graders coming into the band program next year play a game of Simon Says led by the current drum majors. They got to attend the show reveal to get a taste of what band is like and meet their sections. “There was a good amount of people there, all excited for next year’s show,” future warrior Martina Ciacci siad. “The show reveal was a fun experience of watching new members join with the vets.”

  • Incoming freshmen in the band program raise their hands in a game of Simon Says. The game was a team bonding exercise led by current drum majors to introduce new members to their future sections.

  • Current and incoming band members participate in a game of Simon Says as a fun way for current eighth graders to get to know their future band members. Current members were able to give eighth graders insight about band experiences. “Band is hard, I’m not going to lie about that,” Sadie Cortez ‘25 said. “I am excited to see if the eighth graders are able to handle that, and if they are, see what they can do.”

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On Monday, March 7, members of the Westwood Warrior Band attended the annual show reveal for the 2022 fall marching band season. After much anticipation, the theme was announced to current band members, alumni, incoming freshmen, and parents. This tradition began even before the current band director, Mr. Thomas Turpin, took the role to lead the program.

In addition to the band members that plan to be a part of the show, the event is special to both past and future generations of students, with alumni and current eighth graders attending.

“It’s important for seniors to see the show reveal because it lets them know what direction the program is going in and can show how you impacted it as well,” Joshua Lee ‘22 said.

For the students involved, previewing show plans heightens understanding of the balance between artistry and technicality. Aiming for topics that will evoke an emotion in the audience, show designers foster this in the marchers themselves, to aid in overall execution.

“It was almost cathartic,” Sadie Cortez ‘25 said. “I can’t reveal anything, but the theme of the show was basically my childhood. The theme was a big part of how I entertained myself.”

Other important aspects of the design of the show involve the interplay between the music and choreography, connections with the audience, flow from song to song, and intricate but coherent choreography for the marchers.

“I’m really excited for the choreo,” Cortez said. “[Many] parts of the music [are] going to be insane. Even if I get on JV and not varsity, I feel like the props are going to be involved, and I’m excited to see what they do.”

With all the excitement and change from the past couple of years, students find carrying on this thrilling tradition crucial to the band community. The show reveal was also a way for incoming freshmen to get a taste of marching band ahead of time. 

“[Show reveal] is important because it brings the band together,” future warrior Martina Ciacci said. “New and returning [members] get to know each other and have fun.”

All aspects of the show including choreography, props, and music will start coming together when students begin working on the show during summer band camp in August. Returning and new band members alike will continue the band legacy with their diligence and commitment to the 2022 marching show.