Concert and Symphonic Band Play Pre-UIL Show in Preparation For Evaluation

  • The french horn section of the Symphonic Band focuses intently on their music as they perform for family and friends. The concert gave them a way to practice with an audience before a UIL evaluation.

  • Assistant Band Director Mr. Brandon Winters leads the Symphonic band as they begin another piece. The Symphonic Band played their pre-UIL concert on Thursday, April 7, in preparation for their upcoming UIL evaluation.

  • The saxophone section of the Symphonic Band begins to perform another piece at their pre-UIL concert. The band played three songs throughout their pre-UIL concert for friends and family.

  • The saxophone and flute sections of the Symphonic Band play in harmony with the rest of the band. They were led by Mr. Brandon Winters at their pre-UIL concert.

  • Former Band Director Mr. Jack Green offers the band feedback on their performance. The band will be going to their UIL evaluation on April 20, utilizing the commentary they received at their pre-UIL show.

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On Thursday, April 7, the Westwood Warrior Band hosted a pre-UIL show for the Concert and Symphonic bands. It was a chance to showcase the music they prepared  to the community and receive feedback before a UIL evaluation. 

“The concert actually went really well,” Olivia Thornton ‘23 said. “We didn’t do as bad as I was expecting us to do considering the space we have to do it, but I had a lot of fun.”

The Concert Band performed at 5:30 and played Armenian Rhapsody by Johnnie Vinson, Kalos Eidos by Carol Brittin Chambers, and Peace Jubilee by Karl L. King. The Symphonic Band performed at 7:30 with songs such as Quality Plus by Fred Jewell and arranged by Robert Longfield, Redemption by Rossano Galante, and Themes From Green Bushes by Percy Grainger.

“My favorite one was probably Armenian Rhapsody,” Adriana Telesforo ‘22 said. “It’s so much fun to play.”

The band got feedback on their pieces from former Westwood Band Director Mr. Jack Green and former Leander High School Band Director Mr. Nils Gundersen. 

“[The feedback] was very meaningful and constructive, and it really gave us some insight into how we can grow and become better musicians,” Thornton said. 

The band will go to UIL on Wednesday, April 20 at the Klett Performing Arts Center in Georgetown, Texas.