Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse Teams Compete Annual Stick Switch

  • Wearing a shark head, Samuel Trigg ’23 stands by as he waits for the game to begin. Trigg was wearing the shark head as the game fell on Halloween night.

  • Vincent Fichet ’25 and Campbell Hardin ’24 cross off similarities on a tic-tac-toe game.

  • Bridgette Moravec ’24 scoops the ball out of the grasp of the opponent. For this annual game, the men’s and women’s teams switched equipment.

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On Monday, Oct. 31, at the Town & Country fields, Westwood’s Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse faced each other in their annual “Stick Switch” game. The annual tradition earned its name when the Men’s and Women’s teams switched their lacrosse sticks for the game.

The game was held on Halloween night, resulting in the players that participated missing the holiday festivities. However, they were able to wear their costumes as they played.

During halftime, after receiving Halloween candy and water from parent volunteers, the coaches brought both teams back onto the field to do an activity involving both teams.

“[During halftime] we played a team bonding game with the men’s team,” Aishwarya Patibandla ‘23 said. “We found similarities between ourselves by playing a tic-tac-toe game.”

The final score of the game was 8-5 with the men’s lacrosse coming on top. Avery Hixon ‘23 scored two goals and Amelie Puga ‘23, Bridgette Moravec ‘24, Bella Robertson ‘24 each scored one. Ryan Wyrick ‘23 helped the team score several points and contributed to the team’s win.

The women’s lacrosse team will be competing in the Texas Best Tournament at the UT Sporting Complex on Saturday, Nov. 12 and 13. The lacrosse season will start in January.