Active Minds Fosters Safe Space for Members at April Meeting
Co-Presidents Rutu Rupurel ’25 and Mishree Narasaiah ’25 present their slideshow about anxiety, the focus of the April meeting.
On Wednesday, April 5, Active Minds Club kicked off the month with its third meeting of the year. With mental health issues on the rise among teenagers, Active Minds Club was started to provide a safe space for students and change the stigma about mental health by raising awareness.
“Westwood can be a really stressful environment, and I think students just need a place that they can count as their safe space,” Co-President Rutu Ruparel ’25 said.
The focal point of the meeting was a group discussion about the symptoms and effects of anxiety. While the conversation was intiated by club officers, members had the opportunity to discuss their personal encounters with anxiety and how they dealt with it. Following the discussion, members were presented with point opportunities, through events like suicide prevention walks and Flex sessions focused on reducing stress. Lastly, the officers announced their P-Terry’s fundraiser that they would be holding on April 10.
“Introducing our first fundraising opportunity was definitely a big milestone, and it will help [the club] really grow,” Co-President Mishree Narasaiah ’25 said.
Active Minds meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Their final meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, May 3, when members can learn more about officer elections.

Class of 2025
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