Concentrating, Elena Francis ’25 investigates the mock crime scene with her partners. Forensics students try to solve the case through multiple exercises that test their investigative skills. “We practice our investigation skills with lots of hands on labs [in Forensics],” Francis said.
On Wednesday, Aug. 23, Ms. Sieber’s Forensic Science class students investigated a mock crime scene, assembled in the space between the IB colony and the E-hall. The lab was an interactive experience: a mannequin, the “victim” of the crime, was laid across the ground in a picnic scene where the crime was committed.
“We had to go out and look at the crime scene, take photos, make a sketch, and then figure out who [committed the ‘murder’],” Elena Francis ‘25 said.
The forensics class offered to upperclassmen is an experience-based class that develops students’ investigative skills.
“It’s a fun class with a good teacher, my expectations for this class [were high],” Kevin Yoo ‘24 said.