Celebrating his first goal, Santiago Peña ‘27 hugs Ricky Urrutia ‘25 in the corner of the field, surrounded by excited teammates. Peña scored the last goal of the night for the Warriors.
With teammates close behind, Santiago Peña ‘27 takes possession of the ball. The team used communication on the field to ensure they stayed ahead of the Raiders.
Fighting for the ball, Kaz Seyhoon ‘26 tries to push a Cedar Ridge Raider out of the way. Seyhoon was one of the players who scored a goal.
On the edge of the field, Rahul Kuthiala ‘25 kicks the ball towards the center to keep it in bounds. After a freezing rain, the field was slick and the air only got colder as the night went on.
With the Cedar Ridge players ready in their defensive position, Rahul Kuthiala ‘25 takes a penalty kick. The Warriors kept their opponent’s goalkeeper busy with many attempted shots as the game went on.
After a Raider player steps in front of him, Ricky Urrutia ‘25 maneuvers the ball around him. The players showcased excellent ball control throughout the evening.
Head to head with a Cedar Ridge Raider, Rodrigo Garcia ‘26 goes for the ball. The Warriors worked hard to keep up a strong lead throughout the game.
Kicking the ball, Ishaan Saini ‘26 fights to keep it in bounds. Saini was an essential player throughout the game and displayed good footwork.
Jumping on a Cedar Ridge Raider, Aidan Shen ‘26 tries to get the ball. Despite the freezing rain, the boys still maintained good sportsmanship and skill.
Eyeing the ball Alonzo Estrada ‘25 runs toward it. The Warriors were trying to score 8 points to get the game to end early, if a team is up 8 points with 20 minutes left the referees will call the game.
Jumping in the air, Caleb Fagan ‘25 tries to get a header. Fagan had been on varsity for years, and it showed in his excellent skill at the game.
Celebrating his first goal, Santiago Peña ‘27 hugs Ricky Urrutia ‘25 in the corner of the field, surrounded by excited teammates. Peña scored the last goal of the night for the Warriors.
With teammates close behind, Santiago Peña ‘27 takes possession of the ball. The team used communication on the field to ensure they stayed ahead of the Raiders.
Fighting the bitter cold through their match against Cedar Ridge, the boys varsity soccer team dominated the Raiders on Tuesday, Feb. 18. At the end of a successful night, the Warriors came out on top with a score of 6-1.
“We have been training hard and preparing ourselves for every game,” Santiago Peña ‘27 said. “We always have a winning mindset; we go there to play our game and it worked today.”
The first half started off in the rain as the temperatures dropped below 40. However, the Warrior’s spirits weren’t dampened, and within the first few minutes, Nico Hamelin ‘27 sped down the pitch and jammed in the first goal of the night. Following that high, Kaz Seyhoon ‘26, followed in step and made another goal not long after. Feeling confident with 2 points already on the board, the Warriors continued the half with excellent ball control and communication. Soon, as halftime neared, the Warriors sank in another two shots from Jack Cox ‘26 and Romir Jain ‘25 and solidified their assertive 4-0 lead.
The Warriors kicked off the second half ready to keep up their strong effort. After a few minutes however, they let in a shot from the Raiders who looked to make their second half comeback. But, now determined to not let it happen again, Zach Shaddock ‘25 saved the next few attempted shots by Cedar Ridge, as Seyhoon scored another point for the Warriors. Soon, the game picked up in intensity as both teams gave everything they had. Despite the big difference in the score, neither team let down their guard or gave up throughout the remaining minutes. Finally, a goal by Peña ended the game in an assured victory from the Warriors with a score of 6-1.
“[My highlight] was scoring the last goal of the game. It was my first goal and it was a nice moment,” Peña said. “The game went really well [because] the weather didn’t stop us and we all played like we knew.”
The Warriors’ next match will be on the road against the Manor Mustangs on Friday, Feb. 21.