It’s no surprise that the creation of AI has gripped everyone in a suspenseful trance.
Even the supposed critics remain hooked to every mention of the innovation if only to dispute it, a phenomenon that borders on a very addiction of its own. Similarly, although it may not be as prominent, it’s no surprise that AI very well might inject itself into the daily interactions among humans, whether by being the dominant subject of conversational content, or some still unknown, futuristic application of it that falls along the lines of listening and adapting the flow of a conversation.
Social cooperation and interaction is being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) to a much larger degree than just mere addiction to the whims of new technology. The incorporation of such social artificialities have transcended beyond using it as a mere resource for assistance in daily tasks, and now is on course to be integrated into human interaction.
Beginning the next wave of advancements in the realm of artificial intelligence, efforts to embed AI in raw, face-to-face human interactions have commenced, and have already seen some practical applications. Young women in China have been reported to turn to chatbots as AI boyfriends that supposedly provide them with the emotional support and respect they desire. Many individuals across the globe have turned to AI as their therapists, rationalizing that it allows them a semblance of privacy and a heightened sense of comfort that prompts them to confide more of their inner emotions.
However, even though generative AI has made significant progress despite the initial skepticism surrounding it, conversational AI is fundamentally against any core values the human experience symbolizes. While generative AI utilizes neural networks and generative algorithms to produce content derived from existing patterns of information, conversational AI conceptually simulates conversation and human interaction. Straying vastly from any concept of human progress, conversational AI is a conceivable major player in making true the conspiracy theories surrounding AI’s utter world domination. Attempting to input unnatural and mechanical elements in what’s intrinsically meant to be a raw and original experience, conversational AI attempts to warp human interactions rather than foster or positively improve them.
By principle, AI is a strictly man-made creation of science, and no matter the degree of humanism it expresses in its applications, behind the scenes there is always an algorithm or code the AI derives its information from. While the future of neural networking could potentially enable AI to think on its own, humans and AI are so explicitly different, in both origin and nature, that their fundamental processes of interaction will never be even remotely aligned. Additionally, it’s important to consider that innate human bias has never been fully eliminated, and as the very creators of AI, this bias is sure to leak into their innovations, completely erasing conversational AI’s ability to capture the raw originality of human interactions.
It is also critical to assess the fundamental pillars forming the phenomenon that is conversational AI. Any advice or content generated by artificial intelligence is based on prior or existing information fed into its servers or pre-programmed algorithms. By the same logic, it will never be able to achieve true creativity, unless so-called futurists morph the definition of innovation to conform to what dubiously-ethical technological advancement demands. As humanity progresses into a storm of shifting ethical boundaries, and explores the thin line between scientific advancement and destruction, it is important to consider the intrinsic truths that have built humanity into what it is today.
The foundation of all life thrives on imperfection, on the authenticity and innocence of pure humanism. A machine that is specifically designed to perfectly replicate the human experience is inevitably set up for failure, and will never capture raw humanistic originality or generate its own emotions. Whether it’s assessed on a biological, philosophical, or practical basis, conversational AI will never truly be able to integrate itself into the true humanistic dynamic, and any engagement that arises as a byproduct should simply be classified as a spectacle of science and not a component of humanity’s natural order.