Introducing an unprecedented and novel volunteering opportunity, the Outreach Club partnered with Project Canis, a nonprofit organization that provides toys for pets in shelters to positively contribute to animal well-being. The club gathered together to create dog toys out of old club t-shirts on Tuesday, March 10, promoting sustainability and niche community service.
“I think [Project Canis is] really cool because there’s a lot of dogs in shelters, and a lot of the time the shelters don’t have the resources to be able to provide them the enrichment that they need,” Nishi Mukkara ‘26 said. “I think it’s really helpful for people like us to come together and try to give these animals a better life.”
Having many leftover t-shirts from a previous event and retired clubs, the officers decided it would be a perfect opportunity to use recycled material in order to craft a new volunteering opportunity that aligned with the club’s goal of incorporating more in person events.
“This year we’re trying to implement more in-person events rather than virtual events,” Community Service Representative Sahana Sakthivelmoorthy ‘26 said. “[Rather than] just making a card and taking a picture, we actually want to have club members to directly be involved.”
This change has been looked upon by club members positively, as they look forward to the incorporation of more in-person events.
“[I like more in-person events] because you’re more involved in your community and what you’re doing rather than doing something online,” Mukkara said. “It makes you really feel like you’re making a difference in the world around you.”