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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Lipika Chatur '21, Rushil Patange '21 and an organization volunteer stand outside of Sundara Senior Living, where Ma(s)king a Difference recently donated 100 masks.

‘Ma(s)king a Difference’ Protects Frontline Workers In Austin

Catharine Li, Horizon Editor-in-Chief July 10, 2020

As COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to rise across the State of Texas, extended efforts to help slow the spread of the virus by wearing a mask and staying at home when possible remain the...

Feature Story: Making a Race Car.

Vikram Joshi, Horizon Editor in Chief May 31, 2020

The students shown in the video, Sohan Agnihotri '21 and Alysa Hernan '21, are part of a team that also includes Ishan Deshpande '21, Rushil Patange '21, Mohit Lele '21, Savannah Kipperman '21, Lipika...

Alysa Hernan '21 poses in her red '80s style pants that she created out of an old dress.
Photo Courtesy of Alysa Hernan

Quarantine Quests: Alysa Hernan ’21

Keana Saberi, Editor in Chief April 7, 2020

During a time filled with uncertainty, many students are engaging in a myriad of activities and hobbies to keep positive. From baking, jigsaw puzzle making, dancing and every imaginable thing in between,...

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