Quarantine Quests: Alysa Hernan ’21
During a time filled with uncertainty, many students are engaging in a myriad of activities and hobbies to keep positive. From baking, jigsaw puzzle making, dancing and every imaginable thing in between, students are utilizing this time to be productive or to relax and take some time for reflection and self-care. Alysa Hernan ‘21 took to her sewing machine and set out to create new clothes from clothing articles she already had at home. She was able to take old clothes she had in her closet and make fun and stylized clothing.
“I learned something new; I learned how to sew. I fixed my sewing machine which I’ve had for five years so I started sewing my own dress and then sewed some pants,” Hernan said. “I’ve just been using some old clothes that I’ve had for a while now as my fabric because I can’t go out and buy it. I just have to be resourceful around the house.”
Along with sewing, Hernan has found joy through other forms of keeping busy. She has found some varied ways to occupy her time.
“I have also been painting a lot and I’m planning on selling those [artworks] but not right now. I also try to spread positivity on Instagram,” Hernan said.
Hernan has dedicated her time to her sewing project and has encapsulated some of her artistry and individuality into the process.
“I got interested in sewing a few months back, I was just looking through my YouTube explore page and I saw someone making a Cinderella dress and I thought that was really interesting. I thought it would be nice if I could do that myself because I’m short and It’s hard to find my own type of clothes,” Hernan said.
Hernan drew her ideas from different things as well as incorporating some of her own creativity in the product.
“The kind of clothing I’m doing right now, I’m just practicing, is kind of inspired by the ‘60s and the ‘80s,” Hernan said. “The pants I made are flair pants and they aren’t too hard to make. The dress I’m making is kind of a summer dress, like a romper and right now it’s just simple stuff. I’m trying to practice and get better to make my own dress later on. The style I have right now is more of a modern style but I’m getting inspired from the ‘80s.”
Hernan along with many others are taking this time and trying to focus on the light in this dark and hectic time. They are rechanneling the fear present in this time, and using their energy to keep happy and hopeful.
“Since quarantine is happening right now, I normally don’t have any time because of school so I just thought ‘Hey might as well learn something new and it would be kind of cool to do it’,” Hernan said.

Class of 2022
Looking forward to my senior year, I am ecstatic to be serving as Editor in Chief of an organization I so cherish. Writing is of the utmost...
Lanie Catuogno • Apr 13, 2020 at 10:42 am
I love this! Please do more of these features.