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Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Once he's got a grip, Dylan Morales' 21 is unstoppable. Morales successfully stops opposition from running the ball and getting an advantage.

JV Football Takes On Round Rock In Split Games

Savannah Estabrook, Yearbooker September 27, 2019

On Sept. 26th, the JV teams went up against the Round Rock Dragons with the white team losing 21-6 and the orange team winning 21-18.  The white team took the field for the first game. Within the...

Running back Marcus Clinton '22 sprints down the field with the ball. The JV White team kept their lead throughout the remainder of the game.

JV Football Splits Games Against Hendrickson

Savannah Estabrook, Yearbooker September 14, 2019

JV football’s Orange and White teams went up against Hendrickson on Thursday, Sept. 12th, and they came away with a loss of 41-30 for JV Orange and a win of 22-12 for JV White.  To open the games,...

Karsten Bresser '22 gets ready to throw the ball upfield.

Freshman Football Falls to Hendrickson Hawks 0-18 and 0-40

Caera Learmonth, Executive Editor September 15, 2018

On Thursday, Sept. 13, the freshman football teams took on the Hendrickson Hawks at the Warrior Bowl. Despite their best efforts, they lost 18-0 and 40-0. “The coaches were talking about how [the...

A player from the opposing team tries to take down Leo Kubelka '22.

Freshman B Team Football Falls to Austin 6-20

Ian Drerup, Video Editor September 8, 2018

After getting delayed by an hour, the freshman football B team took on Austin High on Sept. 6. Despite their best efforts, they lost 20-6. “It feels great to be part of a brotherhood that you...

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